Message from the DVC
- Details
Prof. Boma Magnus Oruwari was born on May 6, 1950 in Ogu-Bolo Local Government Area, in Okrika Clan of Rivers State. He became a professor of mono-gastric animal nutrition in the Department of Animal Science in the Rivers State University of Science and Technology in October 1, 2000. But before then, he had gone through the educational ladder from primary to tertiary level.
He had his Bachelors of Sciences in General Agriculture and Masters in Animal Science from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, United States of America, in 1980 and 1981 respectively. He then proceeded to the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States of America to get a Doctorate in Animal Science in 1984.
He was employed by the Department of Animal Science, Rivers State University of Science and Technology in 1985 and has chaired several committees in the University. He was Chairman, Senate Business Committee from 2001-2012, Chairman, University Accreditation Committee and Head, Department of Animal Science 2001-2005, Dean, Faculty of Agriculture 2011-2014.
Prof. Oruwari had also been General Manager and Project Manager of the PABOD Food Company Limited from 1998-1990 and 1986-1998, respectively, and a rural development consultant in the Niger Delta Region. He has so far supervised 25 Masters’ thesis and 17 Doctoral dissertations in his field and had been external examiner to University of Port Harcourt, Niger Delta University, Bayelsa, Michael Opara University of Agriculture, Umuahia and University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.
He has 48 papers in referral Journals and several conference papers read in learned societies. He is married with four children and was currently appointed acting Deputy Vice Chancellor of the Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Nkpolu Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt, a position he assumed on Monday, August 3, 2015
AKOBO’s Profile
- Details
Personal Details
Name:DATA INE AKOBO (Mrs.) (Nee Amachree) CLN
Rank/Status: Deputy University Librarian
Department/Faculty: The Library Rivers State University of Science
and Technology, Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
Nationality: Nigeria
- West Africa School Certificate (1960-1965)
- G. C. E. Two papers Advance level in history and Religious knowledge (1970-1975)
- B. Sc. (Hons) in Library Science, Denton, Texas, U.S.A. (1980)
- M. L. S. (Masters in Library Science), University of Ibadan, Ibadan. (1985)
- Certificate in Management (Organised by the Fertility and Research Unit UCH, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. (1991)
- Certificate in (Theology) Redeemed Christian College, Kings Palace Campus, #18 Benjamin Opara Street, Port Harcourt.(1995)
- P.G.D (Theology) Redeemed Christian Bible College, Kings Palace Campus, #18 Benjamin Opara Street, P.H.(1995-1996)
Employment Records
- Library Assistant Para-professional Ibadan University Library, deployed to the Medical Library UCH: 1966-1971.
- Senior Library Assistant Para-professional Assistant in the Library department College of Science and Acquisition, Serials and the Readers Service Sections of the library, Foundation member, assisted in setting up of the library. 1971- Aug.1980.
- Librarian II (Reference Librarian and Head of Section) Duties. June 16, 1980.
- Librarian I Head of the Serials Section Duties. Jan.1, 1983-1 April, 1984.
- Senior Librarian April 1984- Oct.1,1990.
- Principal Librarian Oct.1,1990-Sep.30, 1996.
- Deputy University Librarian Oct.1,1996 to date./li>
- Index to Laws of the Federation 1966-1988 with Explanatory Note Vol.1 Port Harcourt Riverside Communication 1991, 288p. Vol.I
- Index to Laws of the Federation 1989-1999 with Explanatory Note, Vol. II, Port Harcourt, Primerose Impressions, 2005
- Acronyms (A hand book of Nigerian Acronyms) Port Harcourt, High Calling Outreach Publications, 2005 p.135.
- “Circulation services In The Libraries” in a book titled Fundamental of Libraries. David stones publishers Ltd., Port Harcourt, 2008.
- Acquisition of Library Resources under SFEM published in a proceeding of the National seminar on strategies for survival by Nigerian Academic and Research Libraries during Autere Times, Ibadan 9-11, November, 1987, edited by S. M Lawani, Y. A. Adedigha, L. O. Aina, A. Senaike, G. O Ibekwe
- Effect of Government policies on the Acquisition of Library Resources in Nigeria Library Acquisitions: Practice of Theory, Vol.16, 1992, P.313-320.
- The State of information and Communication Technology (ICT) in libraries in Rivers State, Nigeria. African Journals of Library, Achieves Information Science. Vol.17. No.2(October) 2007 pg.135-143.
CHANNELS: An International Quarterly Digest Vol.1 No.1 1988 —
University Administration
- Headship in the Reference Section June 16th 1980- Dec.1981
- Headship in the Serials Section January 1983 – 1st October 1990
- Headship in the Readers’ Services Section 1990 –
- Member staff school Management Committee 1981 – 1983
- Member International Secondary School 1983
- The officer in-charge of staff school library and the setting up of the library, 1983 – 1986
- Member interview panels 1981 – 1985
- Member Convocation Committee 1981
- Member department of Science National Conference Committee
- Member committee for university calendar 5th October 1998
- Member Registry Appraisal Committee, July 1999/2001 –
- Hall Warden 1980 – 1984 and 1999
- 2nd Vice President Unitech Women Association 1986/87, 1987/88
- 1st Vice President Unitech Women Association 1988/89
- Member of the Unitech Day Care Centre 1987/88
- Chairperson on Unitech Day Care Centre 1988 – 1991
- Unitech Women Association member Committee on Seminars 2001-2002
- Member Faculty of Agriculture Board meeting, 2003
- Member Postgraduate Board Meeting 2004
- Member Faculty of law Board meeting 2005-
Conferences Attended
- Conference organised by the Nigerian Library Association held on 2nd –6th December 1980, Kano.
- Workshop for Teacher-Librarians organised by the RSLB and the Nigerian Library Association, Rivers State Branch, held 2nd – 9th March, 1981 presented a paper
- Conference organised by the Nigerian Library Association held on the 12th – 16h June, 1990, Yola
- Member Nigerian Library Association of women Librarians in Nigeria (AWLIB) Rivers State Chapter, 1991.
- Conference organised by the Nigerian Library Association held on March 1992, Uyo, Akwa-Ibom
- Conference organised by the Nigerian Library Association held at Makurdi, 1994
- Conference organised by the Nigerian Library Association held at Abuja, 1998
- Conference orgainsed by the Nigerian Library Association held at Port Harcourt, June, 1999
- Coordinator workshop organised by the AWLIN Port Harcourt presented a paper, 1999.
- Conference organised by the Nigerian Library Association held in Bauchi, presented a paper
- Coordinator of the workshop organised by AWLIN,. Port Harcourt; presented a paper, 2000
- Conference organised by the Nigerian Library Association held at Badagry 2002
- Conference organised by the Nigerian Library Association held at Abeokuta 2005
- Conference organised by the Nigerian Library Association held in Abuja, 2006.
- Conferences organised by the Nigerian Library Association held in Ibadan, 2008.
- Conferences organised by the Nigerian Library Association held in Abuja, 2010.
- Member Tombia Secondary School Improvement Committee 1984 – 1985
- Assistant Secretary Awame Ibieremena Ogbo of Kalabari 1975 – 1983
- Treasurer Awame Ibioeremena Ogbo of Kalabari 1983 – 1985
- President National Council of Women’s Socities Delga Branch May 1989 –1997
- Director, Community Based Distribution of Maternal/Child in Health and Family Planning Programme, 1991 –
- Member of the Phi Alpha Theta International honour Society in History Allentown Pa, U.S.A 1980
- Member of the International Lioness Club Port Harcourt Branch 1980 – 1982
- Treasurer Nigerian Library Association Rivers State Chapter 1987 – 1996, 1999-2000
- President of Good Women RCCG, 1996 – 1998, 1999 – 2000
- Member Documentation and Publication Committee 1998 –
- Member Nigerian Library Association (Treasurer) 1998 –2000
- Member Nigerian Library Association (Vice Chairperson) 2005
Awards (International)
- National Dean’s list 1979 – 1980, U.S.A. devoted to exclusively to recognising academically gifted University students for the achievement.
- Women of the year 2005 by the American Biographical Institute, U.S.A
- Great Woman of the 21st Century Recognition 21st February, 2006.
- Professional Woman’s Advisory Board, American Biographical Institute, U.S.A.
- Award for Distinguished professional contribution to Educational Administration/Fellowship, 2007.
- Merit Awards by the Nigeria Library Association Rivers Chapter, in recognition of support, imminent and dedication to the development of the NLA Rivers State Chapter. In July, 2013.
Academic Staff
- Details
Rank/Status:Principal Librarian
Department: Library
Rank/Status:Principal Librarian
Rank/Status:Deputy Librarian
Rank/Status:Librarian II
Department: Library
Rank/Status:Assistant Librarian
Rank/Status:Academic Staff
Department: Library
Rank/Status:Librarian I
Department: Library
Rank/Status:Principal Officer
Department: Library
Rank/Status:Principal Librarian
Department: Library
Rank/Status:Principal Librarian
Department: Library
Адрес приемной комиссии: 390000, г. Рязань, ул. Свободы, д. 46 (во дворе главного корпуса)
Часы работы (c 01/09/2019 по 19/06/2020): Понедельник — Пятница 08.00 — 17.00, перерыв на обед 12.00 — 13.00. Суббота, Воскресенье — выходной
эл. почта: priem@365.rsu.edu.ru
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